I tried to upload my pictures more regularly, but that does not seem to be the case. Its a week after October ended, and I have not yet shared my sketches in October. I did not do 31 sketches as part of inktober as well. There were crazy days when I would be just running mechanically. I would wake up next day and remember, "Oh! I forgot!"
But the good news is, I sketched with maximum frequency possible. There were times when I did not want to sketch, but I did. There were times when I did not know what to sketch, and in order to fulfill the commitment, I chose a picture from Google Images and sketched. There were times I just started with a dot and went along with the memories it evoked. I lowered expectations from myself in terms of time and quality.
Let me take you through a quick tour of what I did in these days ...
12 Oct 2015: This is me standing near the glass wall of West Village H, while taking a break. It feels amazing to just stare out of the wall for a few minutes, before getting work to code.
13 Oct 2015
This idea came when I was in my class. There is this big office style clock hanging in the classroom wall. When I was in class, and it approached towards the end, I started to lose patience and wanted the class to end quickly. Just then I remembered just a few hours ago, how I wished time would slow down so that I get more time to finish my assignment. These two sketches represent the relative nature of time as we perceive :)
I enjoyed this one. This is the view in front of the glass wall of West Village H. It was pretty quick too :)

14 Oct 2015
This was one of those moments when I was like, "ok ok I got to sketch", and did not know what do, and then "Quick, sketch your hand!". And this is my left hand :)

15 Oct 2015
This is out of imagination. I don't think there was any particular memory that caused this imagination. Used the shortcut of negative space to do it quickly :P

16 Oct 2015
I wanted to sketch a splash of water and ended up doing this. Looks more like a splash of blood or tomato ketchup. meh.

I like this one! Just make circles, draw lines inside... and keep doing it! peace. I was kind of addicted to it, and had to force myself to stop this :P

This sketch reminds me of the temple in Mysore that I went with my sister this summer. Actually I started with a curve and then the story developed. This sketch also reminds me of many pictures of Jahnamamu that we read as children.

18 Oct 2015
I don't really know what is she doing, or what was I trying to do. This is a pretty awkward pose. I imagine her groaning in pain, "How long do I have to remain like this!"

19 Oct 2015
How disfigured does he look! I was lazy today and was doing something that I do when I feel lazy, do binge watching in Youtube. I ended up watching a documentary and in the middle of it, I remembered, "I have to sketch!" So sketched the host instead ;)

20 Oct 2015
A dance step in Zumba class reminded of Charlie Chaplin. The thought of him evokes many memories and makes me nostalgic. I looked up for images, but did not have time and patience. It was a busy day. So I did a quick negative space sketch :) clever!

23 Oct 2015
Today I wanted to draw some cartoon image. I liked this picture of Jasmine. It turned out good. I am impressed how well it turned out without any major mistake.

24 Oct 2015
Inspired by yesterday's Google search for sketching, I search more and this time I end up searching for a deer. May be, I saw too many deer pictures shared on my Faecbook's wall. Did a quick copy from the image (source: Google Images). It was hard to do shading using ink pen though... Note to self: learn the technique to do shading using ink pen.

26 Oct 2015
It surprised how I started looking for animals to sketch. Animals are usually not my thing! This little hare is cuter and fiercer than I could sketch. (Source: Google Images)

29 Oct 2015
I don't want to give up. But I am clueless about what should I sketch. Why worry when Google is there? I look up in Google and end up in searching for elephant images. Crazy! Why and how am I searching for elephants? And I end up reading a full article on elephants.

30 Oct 2015
Commitment calls. I pick up the pocket sketchbook and quickly sketch the building I see from the window in front of my workspace. It looks amazing in the morning, due to the play of light and shadow and the strong lines that the morning Sun creates :)

31 Oct 2015
Just enjoying the ink while scribbling the tree and the landscape :) bliss.

Ok. that's all for inktober 2015. The take away from this experience is how much wider range I explored just by forcing myself to sketch everyday! It indeed suprised me. I hope I participate in next year's inktober with more sincerity and commitment :) See you some other time with some more sketches :) Have an awesome day!