Sunday, January 27, 2019

Inktober 2018 - cruising through : day 11 to day 20

Continuing my journey of last Inktober blog post in which I shared my journey with the first ten Inktober sketches in 2018, today I am going to share my journey with the next ten sketches. On hindsight, I think I did some good sketches for the period from day 11 to day 20. Here is the Inktober 2018 prompts by Jake Parker for your reference.

Well, let's dive in!


I read the word "cruel" and I knew I wanted to draw Mother Gothel from the amazing Disney movie Tangled. Here is a clip if you want to have a sneak peek of the character, checkout this Youtube video. Checkout the movie trailer here. It is a great movie for kids and an entertaining one for adults; a visual treat for everyone for sure.

Coming back to the sketch, I quickly picked one of the images of Mother Gothel raging with anger. I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy of the portrait I could achieve with little effort. I had a feeling that all these days of practice are paying off now and reflecting in my art works. It is a nice feeling to experience the effortlessness.


#whale ref. BBC Earth . #inktober2018 #inktober #day12whale

In school, I only knew that the blue whale or Nila Timi (ନୀଳ ତିମି) is the largest mammal in the world. It did look like fish.  But I did not know much about the animal until I watched Finding Nemo during college with my friends. I love the simple yet profound message that the clip conveys in this clip.

Wow, a theme is developing in this post. Lot of flashback, animation movies and good memories are coming back. In the movie it is portrayed that they are wise and helping creatures in contrast to sharks which are always portrayed as ruthless villains. Any way, fast forward to a few years, I started obsessively watching Planet Earth and other similar series by Planet Earth, and learned a little bit more about the whales.  I zeroed in this image because I felt fascinated by the energy, fun, and ecstacy of jumping in the water and I wanted to capture the moment. I had fun trying to sketch the lines, the waves, and the water droplets. Sketching the water droplets was an interesting challenge. I also feel satisfied by the look of the sketch, partially because I was sketching in this bright white notebook and liked the shine of the page.


Hundun . One of the furious fighters who guarded Tai Lung #kungfupanda #inktober2018 #inktober #day13guarded

I tried to search for an interesting picture for the term "guarded", but my mind kept going back to the 
guards of the huge prison in which Tai Lung was held captive in the Kung Fu Panda movie. I googled and ended up learning the name of the prisoner, "HUNDUN"! I was able to sketch the character pretty quickly, without much hassle, and it turned out nice, that too with the right expression. 

On a side note, Kung Fu Panda is a great movie filled with lots of fun and inspiration in addition to amazing visual storytelling. I love the concept that Master Oogway tries to convey when he says, "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it." I have always been intrigued by it and keep going back to the message every now and then. I can not help but narrate the plot here. So, if you want to avoid being spoiled,  please skip the next paragraph.

Master Oogway reveals to his student Shifu that this mystery man called Tai Lung who has been in prison for long long time is going to be free. Oogway and Shifu are of opposite temperaments. Oogway is this cool zen-like person, whereas Shifu tries to control and fix everything. As soon as Shifu hears the news, he sends a messenger bird to tighten the security of the prison. The bird meets Hundun and other guards of the prison who are obviously too proud of their advanced security measures. They bully the bird and in the process, a feather of the bird falls in the fancy cage in which Tai Lung was locked in. This triggers the whole chain of events eventually freeing Tai Lung and creating havoc. I find it to be such beautiful and nuanced narrative of the situation. Had Oogway not told the vision to Shifu, had Shifu not tried to prevent the situation, none of this would have actually happened! Such a brilliant plot point and story telling!


#clocks of all times #inktober #inktober2018 #day14clock

Ok, although it is enticing, it is time to come back to real world. I did think drawing a clock tower would look nice, but I found it too boring. I thought of exploring the history of clocks and making a collage of different clocks over time. Even though it was not an artistically very challenging, it was an interesting collage making process.

15. WEAK

I love this quote from the amazing Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi #inktober2018 #inktober #day15weak @authoramish #shivatrilogy #thesecretofthenagas #quotes #caligraphy

The term "weak" reminded me of this quote from beautiful trilogy called Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi. I absolutely love this quote. It makes so much sense to think people in terms of strong or weak instead of good or bad. We all want to be good, we all want to think that we are good, and bad people are others, and often out there somewhere. But is that true? No. Will our ego allow us to see the bad in ourselves easily? Difficult. So, instead if we ask ourselves, "Am I being strong or weak?", won't we get a better perspective of things? Let's do it now onwards. Let's ask ourselves every now and then, "Am I being strong or weak?"

On a slight diversion towards the story, Amish does a great job of bringing Hindu mythology and our ancient history to Indian youth in a beautiful way. Although there is general critic on his writing style, Shiva trilogy tries to make Indian youth curious about Indian history, heritage, mythology; and does a great job at that. Even though it is about Shiva and Sati, who are essentially Hindu deities, the narrative is pretty secular, and I encourage people from all religions to read it. It is a beautiful invitation to explore our rich past, and shape our future.  It is a fantasy, not a history. But it will successfully take you into a beautiful journey that will give you glimpses into the glorious past of the ancient civilization called India, and will leave you wanting to know more, and wanting to feel proud.

Now, back to ground work. I liked the calligraphy.  Every time I write some nice quote, I tell to myself, "I need to take calligraphy lessons." and that never happens. The page looked empty after the writing, and I wanted some theme to be present in the background. I searched for Tibetan Buddhist monks, zeroed in one of the images, and sketched it. I liked the faded appearance of the background that is actually a foreground. The sketch makes our attention to constantly shift between the text and the image. I felt excited about the effect. Now coming to thing of it, I should do more sketches/paintings of similar theme. 

On that note, let's move on to the next theme of Inktober.


Conservation of angular momentum during spinning LoL #angularmomentum #physics #day16angular #inktober2018 #inktober #iceskating

I was annoyed by this term. "Do you call it a theme?",  I thought. I even looked at the instagram posts shared by other people for the day 16's theme. Nothing resonated.  The word "momentum" kept tagging itself with the word "angular". So I decided I will sketch something about angular momentum. I was thinking of a geometric diagram, but I found this nice sketch of an ice skater spinning and trying to adjust her body in order to conserve angular momentum. So here it is! Thank God, it was not as boring experience as I had expected.


Swollen feet, based on my recent travel experience #swollenfeet #feet #inktober2018 #inktober #day17swollen #feet

I was traveling a lot in those days, and my feet were getting swollen easily because of constant sitting. It was a funny experience, it did not hurt, but it did not feel alright either. So I googled for the images of swollen feet and quickly sketched one. It was again an easy sketch; it did not require a lot of effort or emotional engagement; but it definitely captured my mildly annoying experience.


#bottle #inktober2018 #inktober #plasticbottle #day18bottle

"Who on earth gives a theme called bottle! Are you mad?" This is what I thought when I read the theme. I just put the plastic bottle near my bed on the table and quickly traced the structure. Boring and frustrating like anything. Ah. Then I look for others' posts, and people have done such amazing jobs for this stupid mundane theme called "bottle"! Look here!

I felt ashamed. Perhaps, I was not motivated enough, perhaps I was just trying to reach the deadline and not really create anything, perhaps I was letting the general stress around me suppress my creativity.


Scorched farm land during drought #inktober2018 #inktober #drought #day19scorched

 I wanted to capture the scorched land in summer. After a quick search online I zeroed in this image. I was expecting to see images from India, but I was surprised to see similar situations in Brazil as well. My ink pen was running out of ink, and this unknowingly created a nice effect. It did take a little bit of mechanical effort, but turned out to be alright in the end. I don't feel proud of this sketch in particular, but it feels nice to have done something I would have never attempted otherwise.

OK, moving on to the last sketch of the post, if you are still with me this far.


#matkiphod #inktober2018 #inktober #day20breakable

I don't remember my search process for this Matki Phod event. But I am happy to try out this sketch even though it is a little bit messy. Drawing the sprouting water from the matki (earthen pot) was an interesting challenge.  Here is a quick narrative about the history Matki Phod events for those who do not know about it.

Krishna (a Hindu deity) loved butter so much that, he would gang up with his kid friends and try to sneak on everyone's house and try to break open the earthen pots containing butter that were safely stored high above ground.  People in western India celebrate this naughty nature of him, by organizing Matki Phod (break the pot) events on Krishna's birthday (Janmashtami or Bhadrava Krushna Ashtami, or the Ashtami or 8th day of Krushna Paksha or the waning moon in the month of Bhadrava, the 5th month in Hindu lunar calendar). Young people form a pyramid and try to break open the pot hanging high above the ground. I have never attended any such event, but seen a lot on TV, and I am sure this would be a fun and energetic event.


Well, that's it! If you stayed with me until now, thank you for your patience! This post did turn out to be a reference to many books and movies and also brought back many nostalgic moments to me. Looking back, it was a nice experiment in which I sketched stuff I would not have cared to sketch or explore otherwise.  But I must confess, I kept feeling frustrated by mundane themes and also felt bogged down by the whole exercise of sketching in order to just achieve a deadline.

That's all for today; will get back soon with the last phase of Inktober 2018!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Inktober 2018 - beginning : day 1 to day 10

I was determined to finish all the 31 days of inking the last Inktober. I prepared sheets of paper, folded and collated into a notebook, fixed them with a paper clip, noted down the prompts by Jake Parker, and I was ready. I wanted to sketch for all the 31 days this year. So I decided not to go very fancy, and to stick to minimal amount of sketching so that I don't burn out and not sketch any more.  Here are the Inktober prompts given by Jake Parker.

Most of my sketches are a result of search in Google Images and copying them. There are a few though that I have sketched from imagination. Now, let's dive in!


I found it odd that quite a few of the prompts had negative meaning. But only thing I could I remember for the prompt "poisonous" was a snake, and here it is, snake with head up, sniffing with its tongue.

This is a sketch from imagination. Although it was a sketch with less lines, and I finished it with little effort, sketching the ripples in the pond felt nice.


Roasted almonds #inktober2018 #inktober #roasted #almonds #day3roasted
I was not able to imagine much for the context of "roasted" and quickly drew some roasted almonds. The default color matched with the color of almonds. But, I felt the lack of a sense of accomplishment, which kind of got repeated for the next few sketches.


Failed attempt at sketching Hermione creating a spell #inktober #inktober2018 #spell #day4spell #harrypotter #hermionegranger
How can I hear the word "spell" and not think of the Harry Potter series? I did not have any picture in particular in mind. I googled for the word, and selected the picture that I liked. Although Emma Watson looked amazing in the original picture, it was from an awkward angle, and I struggled to get the features right. I messed up her mouth badly. Note to self: practice sketching mouths and  teeth of people.


A family of chicken #inktober2018 #inktober #chicken #day5chicken
Well, "Chicken" was a very straightforward prompt. I searched google images for chicken, and picked the image I liked the most. I loved how it turned out, a nice composition worth framing.


Baby drooling #drooling #inktober2018 #inktober #day6drooling
I knew I wanted to sketch a baby drooling. But Google kept giving me images of dogs drooling. It took me a little bit of searching before I could find an image that I liked. It was both fun and challenging to sketch a baby.


Me imagining myself being exhausted ☺️☺️ #exhausted #day7exhausted #inktober2018 #inktober
Ha! I had fun sketching this one. I tried my best to imagine my workspace and me taking a nap out of exhaustion. I think the proportions could be better, I am happy how it is able to capture the emotion. When I shared this picture in Instagram, it managed to evoke reaction from quite a few people. Looks like I am not the only one who constantly feels exhausted.


Catching up with long neglected inktober series . The 5 star rating system ubiquitous in all digital media, subtly making a profound change in the seller-buyer dynamics #inktober2018 #inktober #day8star #star
I think it took me a while to decide what to sketch for the prompt "star". I did not have tools to ink stars in an entire night sky since I was traveling. Frankly, I found it boring. After pondering for a while, the idea of sketching the 5-stars came to me like lighting a bulb. I was excited and proud of the idea! Even though in terms sketching it is trivial, I am willing to sell this sketch the most out of all the sketches I did in this Inktober. Before the technological revolution happened, the term "star" was used in a very few social annotations: celebrities popular with masses, and rating to hotels and restaurants. Online business systems adapted the rating system, and it is prevalent through all the online business forums.

The 5-star system is used to moderate the quality of a business by aggregating information from the users. In its essence, it is very democratic and in my opinion it is a good measure for maintaining the quality of businesses. If you are someone who uses technology a lot, you know how much we use it.  We rate places we visit, movies we watch, drivers we ride with (and drivers rate us), apps we use, products we buy, and the list goes on. In a 5-star rating system, anything below 4 is average or not good. So everyone who is subjected to the rating strives towards 5. And it is shaping the overall attitude of both consumers and providers. For example, a driver cannot cheat the customer to a longer route to a destination. Just dropping the passenger is not enough; s/he needs to be polite and occasionally be able to engage in interesting conversation. A passenger is not doing any favour to the driver. They need to behave themselves too; being late, being rude, or being intoxicated is not an option any more. I am yet to find a side-effect of it; but I certainly think it is a very good system to maintain the integrity of services.


The precious ring.. held by gollum. Hated sketching it all the while.. #lordoftherings #gollum #myprecious #inktober #inktober2018 #day9precious
I have never watched the "Lord of the rings" (Fans, please don't hate me!). But I am somewhat familiar with the ugly old creature called Gollum. No matter what I tried to come up with, I could not. I had to sketch Gollum. But, I hated sketching the ugly thing. I wanted to quickly finish it and get done with it. Yuk! My haste and disinterest shows in the sketch. Ya, this is a sketch I am not proud of.


Flowing waterfall referenced fr Google images.. trying to sketch the delicate lines of water flowing #inktober2018 #inktober #day10flowing #waterfall #flowing

I am glad I had something nice to sketch in the next prompt. I did ponder over different concepts, but quickly made up my mind to sketch a waterfall. I explored a few images on Google and converged on this one. Trying to capture the fluidity and transparency of water with just a brush-pen was challenging. I was immersed in doing this one and am happy the way it turned out.

Although I had started sketching one sketch every day, by this time, I had started sketching 2 to 3 sketches in a day with a gap of few days. I was already 9 days late, yet I was not feeling concerned. Having to stick to a timetable was annoying and boring. It felt more fulfilling to draw them all together in a span of few days. But I held on. 

More on my next Inktober sketches, coming soon!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

PostIt Notes: An interesting attempt to be creative while being busy

I got very busy at work for a few months in 2018. I took up a large project to shoulder on. While overall it was a great experience, days and nights were busy in a consistent manner. I would not get much time to sit and sketch. Sometimes, while ruminating or solving a problem, I would listen to talks, or doodle on my notepad or a sticky note. One day, my idea bulb lit. Ting! "I can save the sticky notes! We will figure out later how to use them. Let's do this!" So I started saving the sticky notes after doodling on them. Some of them were words randomly jotted down while listening to talks, some were random doodles while trying to process my thoughts, and some were sketches of objects lying around me.

Later, when I got time, I revisited the notebook where I had patched them, and decorated organically  with wherever my fingers took me. I liked the experience. It was fun to see how my fingers will surprise me.

Collage of sticky notes ... Felt pretty satisfied after doing it #collage #stickynotes #doodles

The above one had lot of text, and I was self-conscious about people reading the texts. When I started inking on the page, I intended to cover the text with doodles. But somehow that did not happen. The final sketch looked nice as it was, and I did not want to add more details any more. I am glad I did not.

Collage made out of so many things. Tools used: #postitnotes #stickynotes #bicpen #fabercastell #pencilcolors #prismacolorpremier #markers #molotowmarkers #domstemperacolors . Courtesy for #dragonflies deviantart/metacharis . #collage #mixedmedia #doodles

There was a point where I would put down my pen on the sticky note, and all that would come out would be ugly, squiggly, clumsy spirals. I was ashamed of them, and worried too. I kept thinking, "What has happened to me? My creativity is suffering. Is it worth being this busy?" So, when assembled this collage of doodles, I tried my best to hide them, with structured blocks. It looked nice enough. Then ideas sparked. I got dragonflies from Google Images, pasted them, painted them, and added sparkles on them. Basically, I tried everything to hide the squiggly doodles. :D

Well, this collage was not any different from the previous one. But the style turned out to be different. I enjoyed putting the white circles. The white circles and golden edges bring a sense of calm. I like this one the most so far for the same reason, for bringing a sense of calm to the chaos.

A collage of objects lying around my desks... #stilllifesketch #stickynotes #postitnotes #collage #mixedmedia

This one is sketches of objects that came on to my line of sight when I looked for a subject to sketch impusively. The fact that I was sketching on sticky notes made it easy to just sketch the shapes without adding a lot of expectations. Each of the objects were drawn at different points of time, and at different places. I painted them from memory later after making the collage using crayola markers, and later spray painted them. It was a nice exercise to liven up still life sketching.

Another collage out of sticky notes #collage #postitnotes #stickynotes #mixedmedia #doodles #geometricpatterns #spraypaintart

This collage was a mixture of objects and doodles. After laying them out in a nice order, I started experimenting and let the ideas develop as I went on. It was the most difficult one among all of the sketches here. Making the large squares needed lot of carefulness. I had to wait for each layer to dry before I applied the next stage. So it did take me quite a few days to finish this. After completion,I like how stylish it looks.

In the end, I am proud of the whole exercise  and how it turned out to be. It broke some of my bad patterns and also helped me notice what I enjoy the most.  I learned how to make time for enjoyment when I am busy. I learned to plan my project into small sections, and collect them later over time instead of doing everything in a single block of time. Although the execution was planned, the act of sketching and painting was spontaneous and I allowed myself to explore and surprise. It was a very nice feeling. I hope this experience and learning seeps into other aspects of my life too.

I am still doodling on sticky notes and saving them instead of throwing them away. However, I think I am done with this style of 2x3 grid for now, and may have to invent a different pattern if I want to make good use to them.