This blog post is the last set of sketches I did for Inktober 2018. You can find the first and second post on Inktober to see the sketches for prompts 1 to 10 and prompts 11 to 20, respectively. Here are the Inktober prompts suggested by Jake Parker for Inktober 2018.
yeah...So, I dragged myself until 26 October to reach up to sketch number 20. Then I did not want to sketch anymore. I told myself, "I will sketch the rest on my way back during the long flight". And that's what I did. The next 5 sketches are in flight, without much reference, and one after I reached my home.
Let's get started!
"Again, why? Why this prompt? What do I do with it? Any way, I have to draw it ...ugh. Let me draw a wash basin", I said to myself. I tried to sketch a wash basin from memory/imagination, and water draining through it. It may sound silly, but I was apprehensive about drawing it, and was satisfied to see the sketch turn out convincing enough.
My imagination had decided to take a vacation when I tried to sketch for this prompt. I looked for expensive stuff I am wearing, and decided to sketch the ring that my sister had gifted me. I did hesitate a bit,
"It is a tiny ring! What are you gonna sketch about it?"
Then I thought,
"Meh... You have to just finish the challenge. Just do it na, why bother?"
"Ok, I will just draw it, and move on. Who cares."
"mmm.... may be I need to find something more interesting...."
"Nah, just do it, don't overthink."
And here it is, a mediocre sketch of a ring.
I was happy that at least I was able to imagine something for this theme. It did turn out alright. This is one of the moments where I thought, I would not have sketched it otherwise, if not for Inktober. Now coming to think of it, what inspired this sketch? Definitely not real life. I guess, it is the countless scrolling through Instagram and browsing and cute boot pictures that shaped my imagination. Interesting.
Ok. Moving on...
I was excited about this sketch. The prompt triggered a particular and a not-so-much-significant memory. I wanted to reproduce that memory in this sketch. A few years ago, one of my friends invited me to her rooftop barbecue party. We all shared the cooking activities. (To be honest, I don't remember what I was doing, lol). I remember watching one girl chopping the greens to really tiny pieces with a big knife in such rhythmic way! It was a treat to watch her do it... I wanted to sketch that action. Is it good? Hell, no. The hand looks so odd and stiff. But am I happy to sketch it? Yes.
"Yeah... another ugly prompt. Why do I have to sketch it?", I started with resentment. But slowly good memories flowed in. When I was in 6th grade, I, my eldest sister, and my third sister ventured to our village. I don't remember why we were all going to our village without any adult, or what the occasion was. I remember we decided to walk from one point in our journey. At that time it seemed a long walk, but a walk that we all enjoyed thoroughly. As we marched along the up and down bila-hudas (ବିଲ ହୁଡ଼ା - side-walks of agricultural lands) and through forests, orchards and ponds, we were having a great adventure. I remember, during our walk, we saw cactus flowers in full bloom for the first time in my life. They were so beautiful!
Another memory was of one of the recent trips. I was in charge of the kids in the house. I keep them engaged so that grown-ups can focus on their chores peacefully. Yeah! What a job! I took my nephew, and another relative of ours and set out for a few mini-adventures, and explored the farm lands and orchards. There were many tall cacti on our way.
These memories kept coming in while I doodled away the sketch of the cactus plant from my imagination. My brush-pen was running out of ink, and that gave a nice shadow effect to my sketch. So it was an accidental success, which I am very happy about.
From the date I have put on the sketch, it seems that I did it after almost a month after my travel. I think I have copied it from one of the images that Google returned when I searched for "stretching up". Sketching the woman stretching up was a little bit of challenge. The posture was odd, not the conventional standing, or sitting poses. It challenged my sense of proportion, and I did quite a few trials before I could get the proportions right. Now, when I look at it, I notice the flaws. It makes me appreciate the figure/gesture drawing exercises more.
The next prompt was "thunder".
"Really? It is a sound. How do you sketch a sound? Did you mean lightning? OK, I could sketch lightning."
"But in order to draw lightning, I need to paint the white page with dark ink before I could draw the lightning on top of it. Ah, that's too much of work."
I decided I will sketch them another time; they are only 5 sketches. Only, to never wanting to touch the sketchbook again. I somehow, did not want to go near it, even though I had laid it on table so that I could easily find it. As if the food had gone stale, and I never wanted to eat it again. I was done, but was not willing to accept it. Finally the new year eve came, and I made up my mind. "I am done, I am not gonna try to finish it. I did 26 sketches that I would not have done otherwise."
Yes, this was my journey through Inktober 2018. Although I set out to complete 31 sketches, I ended up completing 26 of them, which was a good progress. It was a good learning experience for me. I will share about my lessons and take-aways soon!
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