It has been more than a year since I posted anything on this blog... I did not realize this until recently! But, that does not mean I did not do anything.. In fact, I was more regular, and more sincere in this one year. The perfectionist in me would not let me just sketch anything. So I found this notepad in a store and bought it right-away. Inspired by many youtube videos, especially Will Terrell's videos (watch them, you'll love them ! ), I too decided to keep a notebook and do sketches whenever I feel like :) But again, .... I safely kept it on my bed for quite a long time. One day, a friend showed me Marcello Barenghi's realistic paintings and they were simply amazing! Then I told myself, why not start sketching the objects in my room, they won't complain for sure... But then again, I did not do anything ..

After the successful sketch of the water bottle, I felt motivated and started looking for objects to sketch and this made a suitable set of objects to sketch... It was a perfect treat sketching to make a day with smile :)
Then I felt even more motivated, and my next target object was my dell mouse. This was even more challenging because of its shining surface. It is supposed to be black, but then how will I make it look shiny? - this was the constant question in my mind when I was sketching it :)
By now, I was literally hunting for objects to sketch :) And this tiffin box lying on my table caught my attention one day... As I was sketching it, I tried to capture the translucency of the plastic material, the light coming from the window and the etched letters still readable from the odd angle and from a distance ... This one was a good learning experience ...
Again the perfectionist in me started nagging me... One day, I sat on my bed, staring at my utensils on the table, and kept thinking, "I wish I could sketch them... But they are metals, they look so difficult to sketch! May be later. " :-| I had to force myself into thinking, "Who is gonna look at them and punish you if they turn out to be bad? Things don't always have to be perfect all the time!" And I took the courage to pick up my notebook and started sketching it with a determination of not to make it perfect. I was happy with the way it turned out. For this sketch, it was important for me to just do it than make it perfect. I must say, the reflections on the metal surface are challenge both for artists and scientists... Nevertheless, it gave me an opportunity to see how the image of one object gets distorted on another's surface. The lunchbox reflected on the glass, the glass and the window reflected on the lunchbox. It was wonderful how the specular property of steel gave it many colors and shades and transformed it from being a mere grey object!
These sketches look terribly easy and careless, I know :P But I felt I should put them here... They remind me of my lab in CVIT. the chair and the bottle were the victim of my mood to sketch something and use my pencil colours on them, rather than learning anything ...
Slowly, I kind of got bored of sketching stuff. I do not have a strong explanation of why .... may be they are not as expressive ... or may be they demand to sit and bring out each pixel properly ... or may be they do not give me much chance to communicate... who knows... may be ... some other time ...
Silent observer.